Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.
-Brene Brown
Struggles with authenticity show up for most of us in our everyday lives. It can be hard to be ourselves, especially if you’re going against the norm or getting push back from others about doing life “the right way” according to them. You may also feel like you’re more of yourself with certain people or in certain roles, and less authentic with some people or in some roles.
Read on for some short, quick information on: what losing yourself in parenthood may look like, ways to embrace your true/authentic self, and self-care ideas to help you stay true to yourself.
Here’s what losing yourself in parenthood may look like:
- Not feeling like your best self
- No time for self-care
- Feeling unsupported
- High levels of emotional reactivity
- Exhausting and feeling tired much of the time
- Not remembering who you were before you became parents
- Feeling like you come last on your own life
- Always giving to others
- Emotional disconnection from others
- Wanting to escape from your current life
- Feeling overwhelmed
What else would you add to this list?
Ways to embrace your true, authentic self:
- Prioritizing rest and relaxation (R&R) and self-care
- Knowing your own truth
- Explaining yourself if you choose to/if it feels emotionally safe
- Bringing substance to your everyday life
- Self-love and self-acceptance
- Surrounding yourself with healthy people
- Choosing your battles and when to engage versus when to stay disengaged
- Seeing yourself clearly, regardless of how other people see you from their own lens
- Allowing yourself time and space to feel your feelings
- Grieving and processing the losses in your life
What else would you add here?
Self-care ideas to stay true to yourself:
- Meditate daily
- Write in a journal
- Practice mindfulness
- Find a great therapist
- Snuggle with a beloved pet
- Exercise and stretch your body
- Make time for rest and relaxation
- Read books that resonate with you
- Set limits around triggering social media
- Set and maintain clear boundaries with others
What other self-care ideas would you add to this list that help you to stay true to yourself?
If you’re struggling to be true to yourself right now, know that you’re not alone. A lot of us are struggling to stay authentic in all aspects of our lives. If you need more help and support in your life today, please reach out to your primary care doctor or a therapist in your area. Know that I’m thinking of you and sending lots of love and compassion your way as you work to be true to yourself!