I get it. I’ve been there too. My family has lived overseas twice. Our first tour was in Lima, Peru for six years, and we moved there when our kids were five and two. Our second tour was in Santiago, Chile for two years, and our kids were 17 and 14 when we moved there. They were both incredible experiences for all of us, but there were also a lot of stressors at every single stage of these journeys.
Overseas Transitions:
- Deciding you want to live overseas
- Finding out you will be moving overseas
- Preparing for an international move
- Transitioning to actually living in another country
- Living with the everyday life stressors of your new country
- Preparing to return to your home country
- Transitioning back into life in your home country
There are many positives about living abroad-meeting new people, learning a new language, getting to know a new culture, and the traveling- so many new and amazing things to do and see!
But what about all the stressors of overseas living?
- You may be feeling lonely and disconnected from your family and friends who are now living so far away from you
- You may be having trouble adjusting to the newness of it all- your new house, new neighborhood, new friends and new experiences for both you and your family members
- Your relationship with your partner or family members may be strained and you may be arguing more than ever before because of all of the stress of moving and living in a different country
- You may be feeling sad in your daily life, and missing places or things you never realized you were so attached to (Target, anyone?)
- You may be feeling worried about how this move will impact you, your partner and your kids
- You may be experiencing feelings of grief and loss; loss of the familiar, absolutely, but many people are also shocked by the loss of a loved one in their home country while they are living so far away
Coaching can help.
Coaching can help you get the pieces of yourself back that may have gotten lost in this life transition. It can help you feel like yourself again in your new environment, and help you feel good from the inside out. It can help you reconnect with your partner and family members again. It can help you grieve unexpected losses in your life.
I’m not only a coach, but also someone who truly understands the expat lifestyle because I’ve lived it- the joys and also the pain that can be associated with each transition in this big life adventure.
Please email me today to schedule your FREE 15-minute phone consultation. I look forward to hearing from you soon!