This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.
-Kristin Neff
Endings are one of the hardest things for most of us in life. We may understand on some level how important it is to get closure so that when we’re ready we can move forward again. However, depending on the level of grief and loss attached to this closure, the closure timeline might differ from days to weeks to months to even years.
As a therapist, I’m always to impressed with the clients who come back for their closing session with me to say goodbye (at least for now) and to acknowledge all the growth and maturity they’ve gained through their sessions. But, so often (and understandable) clients will send a text or email saying they are done for now (or occasionally they stop coming without any message what so ever). And, all of these different routes to closure are normal and valid for us all when it comes to difficult endings and transitions in life.
Here are some topics I’ll be covering in this blog through short and concise tips: things closure may give you, why endings are so often bittersweet, and self-care ideas to help you during times of change. Please read on!
Things closure may give you:
- A new life chapter to celebrate
- Space to say goodbye
- A chance to embrace your accomplishments
- Space to grieve
- Time to process
- Time to acknowledge all the hard things in your life
- Room to feel all your different feelings and emotions
What else would you add here?
Endings are so often bittersweet because of a myriad of feelings and emotions including:
- Excitement
- Happiness
- Calm
- Hopefulness
- Contentment
- Loneliness
- Sadness
- Grief
- Fear
- Anger
What else would you add to this list?
Self-care ideas to help you during times of change:
- Write
- Meditate
- Read
- Walk outside
- Do something creative
- Snuggle with your furry friends
- Talk about it
- Therapy
- Feel your feelings
Practice being mindful
What other self-care ideas would you add here that help you during your own times of change?
Closure and endings in life are so very hard for us all. If you’re currently grieving a loss in your life, know that you’re not alone. If you need extra help and support during this difficult time, please reach out to your doctor or a therapist in your area. Know that I’m thinking of you and sending lots of love and compassion your way!