The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.
-Rebecca West
January always seems to have me thinking about endings and new beginnings. What about you? Something about one year ending and a new one beginning brings me a lot of joy.
Joy around fresh starts.
Joy around new beginnings.
Joy around starting over.
And, something about one year ending and a new one beginning brings with it some grief too.
Grief around the holiday season ending.
Grief around friends and family going back to their “normal” lives.
Grief around “going back to the grind” of everyday life.
So, let’s jump in and break some of this down a bit…
New beginnings may bring a myriad of feelings and emotions including:
- Joy
- Sadness
- Grief
- Relief
- Excitement
- Anxiety
- Loneliness
- Frustration
What else would you add to this list?
Ending may bring feelings and emotions such as:
- Joy
- Sadness
- Grief
- Relief
- Excitement
- Anxiety
- Loneliness
- Frustration
What else would you add here?
Ironic isn’t it, that beginnings and endings can bring up the exact same array of feelings and emotions?
Here are some self-care ideas for times of change and transition in your life:
- Talk to a therapist
- Meditate
- Focus on mindfulness
- Journal
- Exercise
- Read
- Spend time outdoors
- Connect with loved ones
- Eat a healthy diet for your body
- Stay hydrated
What else would you add to this list that’s helped you in times of transition and change?
Keep in mind that there can be a lot of heightened emotions during times of change. This is normal of all of us during transitions. Know that you’re not alone, and beginnings and endings can be difficult and triggering in a lot of different ways. I’m sending lots of love and support your way as you navigate the current changes in your life.