Don’t judge. Teach. It’s a learning process.
-Carol Dweck
How’s your mindset these days? Do you ruminate on the negative? Focus on the positive, even in hard times? Does it depend on the day? I’d like to think that I’m more of a growth mindset human these days, but it’s definitely a learned skill, and something that I need to continue to work on each day. What about you?
Read on for some short, quick information on Carol Dweck’s growth mindset versus fixed mindset traits. I’ll wrap up with some self-care ideas for when you need more time for reflection in your life. Enjoy
Fixed mindset traits may include:
- Black and white thinking patters/polarized thinking patterns
- Pessimism/glass half empty
- Feeling limited/coming from a place of scarcity
- Feeling like a failure/like you’re not enough
- Avoiding challenges/anxiety based
- Negative thoughts/ruminating
- Innate traits/you’re just born this way
- Being performance based/focused on being in the spotlight
- External motivation/needing external validation from others
- Ignoring feedback from others/trouble taking feedback from others
What else would you add here?
Growth mindset traits may include:
- Flexible thinking patters/seeing the nuances in life
- Positive thoughts/Looking forward to good things
- Being internally motivated/self-reliance
- Embracing challenges and relishing in them
- Optimism/glass half full
- Being effort based/putting in the work
- Accepting feedback from others and appreciating it
- Learning from failure and mistakes
- Perseverance/staying the course
- Freedom to try new things/have new life adventures
Would you add anything here?
Self-care ideas when you need time for reflection:
- Process with a therapist
- Listen to your favorite music
- Take a bath or long shower
- Do some yoga stretches or tighten and release your muscles
- Journal- written or digital
- Meditate- quiet or guided
- Go for a walk/Focus on your five senses
- Connect with loved ones
Anything else you’d add to this list?
If you’re struggling with having a fixed mindset these days, know that you’re not alone. This is a common struggle for many of us. If you could use more help and support, please reach out to your doctor or a therapist in your area. I’m sending lots of love and compassion as you work towards changing your fixed mindset into a growth mindset.