Over time, even the tiniest meaningful actions add up, each one bringing you closer to a life that is truer to your dreams and free of regret.
-Jane McGonigal
I am one of those people who loves a good plan, so there’s a lot about the new year that resonates with me and how I “do life.”
That being said, I’ve learned over the years that life isn’t about rigidly sticking to a plan (something I was known to do in my younger years), but to include some flexibility here too.
A flexible plan (one of my favorite oxymorons!). As a therapist, I love to talk about holding two seemingly opposite things at the same time, and love the concept, “both can be true.”
Another important word to add here is intention. Not simply doing what’s been modeled or what you’re “supposed” to do. And, not simply doing the opposite of what’s expected or been taught (in reaction to something else).
Intention is going inward to what you know is true and right for you, and then setting your path forward.
So, how do you even start this process, right? I like to begin with a word of the year, a word that ties the main things I’m working on in my life together. Last year my word was ADVENTURE (which held true as we moved overseas for the second time to Santiago, Chile… the first time was Lima, Peru). This year it’s RELEASE (as in release anger, regret, control, resentment, etc.).
Are you still looking for your word for this year? Here are some ideas people have shared with me:
- Health
- Fun
- Balance
- Motivation
- Calm
- Peace
- Connection
- Kindness
- Compassion
- Wellness
Do any of these resonate with you?
If you’re a visual learner, having a vision board can also be helpful. There are lots of ways to create a vision board, and no right and wrong way to create one. I like to put my word of the year in the middle and then interlink it with pictures to different areas of my life. Your vision board my include goals in many different areas of your life such as:
- Physical health and wellness
- Relationships and friendships
- Educational and professional
- Financial
- Fun and adventure
- Spiritual
- Mental and emotional wellbeing
Did I forget any areas you typically put on your own vision board?
Finally, let’s talk about daily self-care ideas and some ways you can take good care of you in 2024:
- Talking to a therapist
- Starting a meditation practice
- Writing in a journal
- Reading about topics that interest you
- Gentle stretching and yoga
- Exercising outdoors
- Focusing on mindfulness
These are some of my favorites. What would you add here?
Knowing your priorities and what’s most important to you can help you live a more intentional life in 2024. I wish you all the best in the coming year, and know that I’m sending lots of love and compassion your way!