Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
-Maya Angelou
We often talk about survival mode during everyday life, when we’re just going through the motions getting through the day or getting through a hard time in our lives. We also often talk about thriving during everyday life, when there’s a good flow to our day and we feel like our lives have meaning, purpose and direction. However, we don’t often talk about how being in survival mode during pregnancy and postpartum can be a normal part of the perinatal period for many of us. It can also feel very difficult, if not next to impossible, to move from simply surviving day in and day out to thriving during pregnancy and postpartum.
Please read on for some short, quick information on: what survival mode in pregnancy and postpartum may include, what thriving in pregnancy and postpartum may include, and wrapping up with how to move from survival mode to thriving in the perinatal period.
Survival mode in pregnancy and postpartum may include:
- A lack of interest in things your usually enjoy
- Pessimism/ negativity
- Disconnection from your inner feelings
- A lack of meaning, purpose and direction in life
- Just getting through your day
- Feelings of guilt
- Emotional disconnection from others
- Exhaustion/ a lack of energy
- Trouble concentrating/ staying focused
- Not feeling like yourself
What else would you add here?
Thriving in pregnancy and postpartum may include:
- Finding fulfillment in activities you enjoy
- Feeling centered and grounded/finding inner peace and inner calm
- Being able to concentrate and stay focused
- Your life has purpose, meaning and direction
- An emotional connection to others
- Optimism/ positivity
- A connection to your inner feelings
- Feeling thankful and grateful
- Feeling excited and energized throughout your day
- Compassion and support for yourself and others
What else would you add to this list?
Moving from surviving to thriving in pregnancy and postpartum may include:
- Self-compassion
- Self-acceptance
- Asking for help from others
- Processing feelings
What else would you add?
If you’re struggling right now in pregnancy or postpartum, know that you’re not alone. Many of us have had our own struggles during the perinatal period. If you could use some more help and support right now, please reach out to your doctor or a therapist in your area. Know that I’m thinking of you and sending lots of love and compassion your way.