Remember that if you really want to motivate yourself, love is more powerful than fear.
-Kristin Neff
When life feels like it’s moving too fast or it has become too overwhelming or it even feels a bit out of control, it helps me to pause and take a step back. In my therapy sessions, we often talk about practicing the pause and becoming more of an observer in life to gather more information from the prospective of a fly on a wall. In my own life, these practices often lead me to see what’s inside my control versus the things in life that are so often outside of my control and that I need to figure out a way to process them, grieve them and release them/let them go (which I know is so often easier said than done).
Here are the topics I’ll be covering in this blog in short, concise language (because let’s be honest, we’re all so often pressed for time in our everyday lives, right?): things that are generally outside of your control, things that are often within your control, and ending with self-care ideas for when life feels out of control. Enjoy!
Here are some things that are generally outside of your control:
- Someone else’s attitude
- How someone else feels about you
- The timing of life
- Getting older and time passing
- How someone treats you
- The weather (I so wish I could control this one!)
- Getting sick or injured
- Your feelings, emotions and thoughts
- The past and how the future unfolds
What else would you add here?
Things that are often within your control:
- Your attitude
- How you treat others
- Feeling your feelings
- Prioritizing self-care
- Your effort
- What you let go of
- How you show up in life
- What you eat/drink
- How often you exercise
- How you treat your body as a whole
What else would you add to this list?
Self-care ideas for when life feels out of control:
- Meditate
- Cry
- Grieve
- Go to therapy
- Journal
- Listen to music (and even dance and sing along with your favorite songs if you’re feeling moved to do so!)
- Exercise
- Read
- Go outside
What other self-care ideas would you add to this list that are helpful to you when your own life feels out of control?
If your life feels unstable and even a bit out of control right now, know that you’re not alone. This happens for us all at times, especially if you’re currently going through a major life change or have had a recent loss in your life. If you could use more help and support right now, please reach out to your doctor or a therapist in your area. I’m sending you lots of love and support as you navigate what’s within your control, as well as all the things that are out of your control and need to be processed, grieved and let go of/released (when you’re ready, of course)!